Gather your friends, family, or random celebrity and capture the perfect moment with VoiceSefie. The first fully featured voice control camera app that takes pictures when you say a preset phrase or your own custom phrase.
Line up the shot and simply say one of the preloaded phrases like, “Take my picture” or create your own custom phrase that will be sure to make your friends smile. Have fun creating custom phrases like, “Say cheese!”, “Go Hawks!”, or “Cool cats and kittens!. Voice control for selfies means no more fumbling around for the camera button, and you can finally ditch that selfie stick! Plus, the power of voice also allows you to capture photos at a distance of up to 50 feet away.

Additional camera controls include features like burst mode, shutter delay, flash, brightness and front/rear camera swap. Now it’s easy to capture some stunning pictures without a standard selfie stick. The app provides a handsfree camera experience and allows you to take a photo or start/stop a video recording using preset voice commands.
Features of this Application
* Take photos using voice commands
* Start/stop video recording using voice commands
* Get the commands you say recognised as text on the screen (we are recognising and displaying the command that user says on screen so it can be checked if the command is spoken correct on not)
* Use voice commands to adjust camera configurations such as reverse the camera view, switch to video, switch to image capture, toggle flash ON/OFF, etc.
* Grids and zoom in/zoom out features (these features are not working with voice commands that’s why I have not included them in above line)
* Photo/video gallery
* View and listen to the list of preset phrases that are supported in the app