Hello Everyone, we introducing a new mobile application for android users. missing the convenience of Moto Actions features? Experience the same effortless control with our ‘Shake Flashlight & Camera’ app! Instantly access your flashlight or camera with a simple shake of your phone, just like the Moto Actions you loved.
- Shake flashlight & camera is free, intuitive and easy to use torch and camera app.
- With Shake flashlight and camera you can turn your flashlight on/off by making two chopping motion and turning on your camera by twisting your wrist twice.
all you have to do is turning on the shake detection service from settings and shake for flashlight or twist to use the camera.

- Need a quick access to your camera, in a hurry to take a picture just by twisting your device your default camera app will open even if your screen is off or your device is locked.
- Sensitivity and calibration option to adjust the flashlight and camera shake sensitivity according to your device.
- Shake flashlight app uses pocket detection option so the torch or camera don’t open while in your pocket.
- With shake flashlight and camera app a simple gesture save your time and effort for using the flashlight and camera.
- For quick access you can click the Shake flashlight & camera notification to open the app.
- Shake flashlight uses the built-in camera LED flash and provides the brightest light as possible just by shaking and using your default camera app to Safely open your camera by twisting.
- No electricity at home , in a dark basement, walking in the dark or looking for something
under the bed and other unexpected situations our flashlight always helps you even if your device is locked! - Note: All pictures taken when you open the camera by our app is handled by your default
camera app.
Download Shake Flashlight & Camera today and experience the convenience of flashlight and camera access with a simple shake!